Global and Local Variable Program

 #include <stdio.h>

// Global variable declaration
int globalVar = 10;

// Function that uses a global variable
void functionWithGlobalVariable() {
    printf("Inside functionWithGlobalVariable:\n");
    printf("Global variable globalVar: %d\n", globalVar);

// Function that uses local variables
void functionWithLocalVariables() {
    int localVar = 20; // Local variable declaration

    printf("\nInside functionWithLocalVariables:\n");
    printf("Local variable localVar: %d\n", localVar);

    // Accessing the global variable from within a function
    printf("Global variable globalVar: %d\n", globalVar);

int main() {
    // Accessing the global variable from the main function
    printf("Inside main:\n");
    printf("Global variable globalVar: %d\n", globalVar);


    return 0;


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